Inaugurated on May 28, 2010, the CTM – Menegotti Technical Center is an exclusive space for theoretical and practical training of the Menegotti product lines. The CTM has a large environment and the availability of several items of equipment (machines and tools), besides professionals qualified for executing the training. The courses offered are divided into levels which range from basic to advanced. They are given monthly in the headquarters of CTM, in Jaraguá do Sul/SC, and in other localities in accordance with the timescale.
To register you need to contact Menegotti after Sales. The main objective of the course is a practical approach to maintenance of Menegotti products. Thus, the presentation of training equipment will be through demonstration of preventive and corrective maintenance in a theoretical and practical way, and assembly and disassembly of products.
In order to be closer to ours customers, Menegotti has started a training program on operation, maintenance and regulation of its equipment, on CTM “Ensina” = the same as “Teach”, a channel on YouTube. The training is about branded equipment, where subscribers have the opportunity to learn how to maintain the machines correctly, extending their useful life. Click here to check out Menegotti’s exclusive technical training.